Friday 18 March 2011

How have the actions of people involved in The Treaty of Waitangi in the past influenced peoples lives in the present day?

I chose Hone Heke and Dame Whina Cooper because I found them both inspirational, single minded people that were determined to keep their mana and get back their "rangatiratanga" as once the treaty was signed- the crown broke many of the treaty's acts to get what they wanted.An example of their (Heke & Cooper)  determination  is in Heke's time (when the treaty was first signed) Heke became dissatisfied with how the crown was treating Maori and protested by cutting down the Union Jack repeatedly, and waging war against Pakeha. Another example is in 1975 when Dame Whina Cooper protested by leading the walk from Te Hàpua to Wellington gathering thousands of signatures to present at parliament to redress all the wrongdoings on Maori since 1840. These protests sought justice. An example of justice being brought to these protests is shortly after Dame Whina Cooper's Maori Land Protest Walk, when the Waitangi Tribunal was founded. The tribunal is set up for Maori to claim if Pakeha went against the treaty and are given settlements (land, money, an official apology, access to traditional foods) Hone Heke & Dame Whina Cooper's protests among many other Maori people's have influenced present day people to take a stand for their rights if they want justice. I believe one of the people influenced by both Dame Whina Cooper and Hone Heke is the present day person i chose; Tariana Turia. She resigned her postition as a Labour MP when she voiced dissatisfaction when Labour tried to claim ownership of NZ's foreshore and seabed- she believed that it was confiscation of Maori land.  Heke's protest triggered many more which has effected in Maori in gaining back their land due to the Waitangi Tribunal and this shows people involved in The Treaty of Waitangi in the past have influenced present day people that protest has a positive effect and if you want justice you must stand up for what you believe in.

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